4 Outfits to Make You Love Your Leather Skirt All Over Again

How to wear a leather skirt? Well, it all starts with choosing the style and finish that most suits your taste. But there's also getting over the hurdle of assuming a leather skirt is limited to your winter wardrobe, only to be paired with ankle boots and opaque tights. Recently we've noticed four particular looks that prove a leather skirt can be an amazing year-around staple—so that helps you overcome any concerns you may have had about this item's seasonality.

When it comes to leather, this is the year to play with adventurous styling, as proven by our favourite influencers, who are opting for red leather and vinyl skirts instead of simple black. As stylist Kate Foley demonstrates, if you opt for the right silhouette and style it up in a demure way, a red leather skirt can be surprisingly elegant.

Scroll below to see and shop our guide on how to wear a leather skirt the 2017 way.


Red Leather Skirt + Printed Blouse
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Style Notes: Kate Foley shows that a leather skirt can be ladylike if you opt for a midi-length A-line silhouette and pair it with a delicate blouse and pointed pumps. A red leather skirt might sound like a brave styling move, but they are the leather skirts of 2017.

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2. Black Miniskirt + Red Boots
(Image credit: Lucy Williams)

Style Notes: The vinyl trend is huge right now, and although a patent leather miniskirt might sound a little terrifying, Lucy Williams shows it looks amazing when paired with a classic camel knit, black handbag and bright red ankle boots.

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3. Leather Pencil Skirt + Sweatshirt
(Image credit: Rex Features)

Style Notes: Alexa Chung put a typically London spin on a leather pencil skirt at a fashion week party by pairing it with an oversize slogan sweatshirt, 10 denier tights and glitzy earrings.

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4. Vinyl Mini + Shirting
(Image credit: @teresaandresgonzalvo)

Style Notes: We told you that patent leather and red leather are the biggest trends this year, and those who are feeling particularly daring will wear both at once. Blogger Teresa Gonzalvo wore her micro glossy red mini with an oversize blue shirt.

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Emma Spedding