I Moved to NY Without a Winter Coat–These Are the Ones I Want to Buy


(Image credit: @Adenorah)

I moved to New York from L.A. last week… You might be wondering why I decided to take this leap right before temperatures drop on the East Coast, especially given that I'm a native Southern Californian. The short answer is that the timing was right and I was ready for a change. My wardrobe, however? Not so ready. I've never owned a coat, rain boots—anything warmer than a light cashmere sweater, really. (Sidenote: This article on winter style in NYC has been helpful so far.)

Here's what I've learned in my week of research: When it comes to winter dressing, nothing is more essential than a stylish coat or two. So I did a deep dive into all of the coats available right now, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are so many amazing options at an affordable price. I'm sharing my finds with you on the off-chance that you, too, are looking for a way to stay cozy and chic this winter, but also just in case your warm-weather wardrobe needs a little lift. Shop the 23 affordable coats I'm eyeing below.

Up next, the #1 winter item every New Yorker should own.

Emily Greenberg